The Universe is at your fingertips.


  • Yoga

    Whether you are looking for group classes in studio, private group or private single classes, Jess can help. With an emphasis on breathing techniques, vinyasa flow and self love, her style of yoga instruction promotes both physical and mental well-being.

    Book your private virtual or in person session here:

  • Breathwork

    Have you been feeling stressed, anxious, overwhelmed or out of touch with your highest self? Breathwork is a powerful tool for releasing emotions and trauma that get stuck in your nervous system or body. It is suitable for everyone interested in powerful, experiential, accelerated methods of healing and self mastery.

    Every time we experience traumas no matter the size, they imprint on our bodies and our nervous system. It’s common for people to push these feeling aside or dissasociate to “move on”. This might work for a while, but eventually our bodies show disorders, discomfort and dis-ease. No matter how much we want to ignore these signals of trauma, they are there, taking a toll on our bodies and quality of life.

    Breathwork allows the trapped energy to move out of you. I will hold a safe space for you as you utilize your breath to work through and releasing stuck emotions that are blocking you from stepping into your authentic self. Confronting these emotions with the breath can be challenging, and that is why it is important to do this work in a safe space with an experienced guide (like me).

    Breathwork changed my life for the better, I know it do the same for you.

    • Also offering private Breathwork Classes, use the link below to register.

  • Reiki

    Reiki targets the subtle body (the Chakra system) to help the flow of energy and remove blocks in a similar way to acupuncture or acupressure. Improving the flow of energy around the body can enable relaxation, relieve pain, speed healing, and reduce other symptoms of illness. We provide in person Reiki and virtual Reiki healing sessions.

  • Transformational Life Coaching

    Have you been feeling like there’s more to life, but you just can’t seem to get our of your daily patterns? New to the spiritual world, with no idea where to start? Everyone is on a different path and at a different stage of their process. Your highest self already knows the way, but the mind has a habit of keeping us in our subconscious blocks/patterns. If you’re ready, Jess can meet you where you are and assist in guiding you inward, to re-discover your true nature, your highest self.